Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Mythical Creature - The Fanboy

Wikipedia describes this term as "any individual who is devoted to a single subject in an emotional or fanatical manner, or to a single point of view within that subject, often to the point where it is considered an obsession." How do you become this obsessed? What responsibilities are required of a "fanboy"?

Just as an example, not to point out any person in particular, lets say we had an Apple fanboy. What would be some characteristics of an Apple fanboy?

Items that would be on the fanboy or within 7 feet at all times: MacBook (only the newest "metal" one), iPhone (3G), Apple iPod earphones
Lifestyle changes from pre-fanboy: Constant access to the internet, music, email, instant messaging, and Twitter
Frequented websites of the fanboy: macrumors, appleinsider, techcrunch
Words commonly used by the fanboy: zomg, plzkthxbai, probs, maybs, poss, n00b, ijwd (abbreviation for "i just wanna dance"), lolz
Customary activities of the fanboy: blogging, coding, geeking
Heroes: Steve Jobs
Favorite Drinks: Red Bull
Topics they love to talk about: New Apple technologies (the ambient light sensor, the no button track pad and how it will probably get a firmware upgrade soon, how the metal laptop is lighter and slimmer than the previous versions, the battery that takes a long time to charge, etc...)
Life Goal: Be a hax0rz

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